A mega trucking & distribution center is proposed to come to West Roseville. This could heavily impact many local communities including Westpark, Fiddyment Farm, Winding Creek, Sun City, Solaire, and Crocker Ranch by increasing the following:
1,140 heavy duty trucks on the road every day
(Draft EIR pg. 117)
25,059 metric tons of carbon dioxide every year (Draft EIR, pg. 166)
2.4 million new square feet of industrial activity (Draft EIR, pg. 117)
100% higher traffic on Blue Oaks Blvd &
50% higher traffic on Westbrook Blvd (Draft EIR pg. 120)
16 more decibels of street noise from trucking (Draft EIR, pg 183)

The Proposed Warehouse Project
A developer has proposed the Roseville Industrial Park to be on 6382 Phillip Road, using Blue Oaks Blvd, Westbrook Blvd, and Baseline Rd as the trucking corridors. It may be among the largest distribution centers in Northern California. Unlike similar sites, it would be further from the freeway and near residential areas, so it may have a more detrimental effect. In Feb 2023, Roseville announced a Draft Environmental Impact Report to assess the impacts from the project on the West Roseville community.
The project could threaten Roseville's reputation of being a clean, quiet, residential place to live. Many community members are apprehensive about the impact this development may have on their lives. Please take a moment to respond to the city to share your comments.
Our Community's Concerns


Concerns Outlined in the Environmental Impact Report
​The proposed industrial activities are not compatible with current zoning for the proposed land -- the proposed project requires a General Plan Amendment and a rezone to proceed (Draft EIR pg. 90)
Impacts of traffic, noise, pollution, and emissions were identified by the City to be 'significant and unavoidable' -- meaning that they surpassed regulatory standards of significance and would not be adequately mitigated if the project proceeds (Notice of Availability, City File # PL21-0193)
Proposed trucking routes would be on Blue Oaks to SR 65 highway, as well as Westbrook through Baseline Road to the SR 99 highway (Draft EIR pg. 106-107, 118). A map of these trucking routes is included below.
Health effects from the toxic fumes include chemical pneumonitis or pulmonary edema, breathing abnormalities, increased respiration and pulmonary resistance, headache, dizziness, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, death, and many other ailments (Draft EIR, pg. 106)
School sites exposed to air pollutants include Westpark High School, Chilton Middle School, Cooley Middle School, and several elementary schools (Draft EIR, pg. 152)
The City forecasts 8,160 new vehicle trips per day (Draft EIR, pg 116). The developer has not identified any mitigants to address traffic noise beyond a design-level acoustical study on a small stretch of the road (Draft EIR, pg 31)
View the full Draft EIR here
Additional Facts Community Members Should Know
The Environmental Impact Report may have materially understated the full impact on health, traffic, pollution, and emissions. A comment period is currently open for members of the public to assess this
The proposed project is forecasted to result in 85,860 vehicle miles traveled (Draft EIR, pg 123). California has 1.28 deaths per every 100M vehicle miles driven, based on data from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS). This means that the Industrial Park would statistically cause a fatality in the streets of Roseville every 2 or 3 years
The proposal creates fewer than 2,000 jobs (Draft EIR pg. 18), Very few of these jobs are expected to go to residents of West Roseville, as only 5% of vehicle trips are forecasted remain west of Fiddyment and south of Blue Oaks due to a "misalignment" of housing and payscales (Draft EIR, pg. 118)
Several weeks ago, the California Department of Justice pursued and settled with the City of Stockton for a similar project called the Mariposa Industrial Park. Attorney General Rob Bonta cited "poor land use decisions" and "little consideration for the health and safety impacts of surrounding communities". The report did not mention following the model of warehouse best practices that the DOJ put forth
Any feedback received by the City will be thoughtfully considered in future planning for the project site

The City of Roseville Wants Your feedback
Sending comments to the City of Roseville about the project and making our community's voices heard is a
simple three-step process
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Submit your comments to the City of Roseville's Planning Department.​
Comments can be sent to the City of Roseville's Shelby Maples, Associate Planner at smaples@roseville.ca.us and PlanningDivision@roseville.ca.us​
Tell FIVE friends, neighbors, or family members about the project and encourage them to do the same.
Sign up to receive alerts and updates about the project by using the form below.

Questions? Email us at Rosevilleindustrialparkinfo@gmail.com